Whether we start or end the day with God, developing a regular rhythm of daily prayer is a great thing to do. If you find it helpful to join with others praying at the same time and in the same way, you can join us for morning prayer each week on Monday, Wednesday and Friday on our Facebook page here. Please note that this week, Morning Prayer on Wednesday – Ash Wednesday – will be pre-recorded on our YouTube channel. The link watch will be on this page and on our Facebook page.
Morning Prayer follows the church’s liturgical pattern and will generally be available from 9am – but may have been recorded earlier, depending on who’s leading it! You can join live, or watch it later – whatever works for you.
We publish the liturgy we will be using on this page every week if you find it helpful to follow along. A form of evening prayer is provided, as well as morning prayer, for those who find it easier to pray at the end of the day.
You can click here to download the liturgy for morning and evening prayer on Monday and Tuesday this week.
Click here to download the liturgy for Wednesday to Saturday, when the season of Lent begins.