St Peter’s runs a range of activities for children and Young People. The church usually employs a full-time Youth and Children’s Worker but that role is currently vacant. The Youth and Children’s Worker heads up a team of committed volunteers providing quality activities for children and young people.
Sunday Worship

Children and young people are welcome at all our services. At our 9:30am service, worship, teaching and activities are particularly suitable for children – as well as adults! See our services page for more details. On the third Sunday of the month there is no 9:30 service as Messy Church happens that day.

Messy Church
This happens from 3.30-5.45pm on the third Sunday afternoon of each month. The whole family are encouraged to come along together for play and games, craft and other fun (and sometimes messy!) activities, songs, stories and celebrations and a yummy meal together.

Groups during the week

See & Know (Babies and Toddlers)
A group for the littlest babies and toddlers to come along with parents or carers on a Friday morning between 9.30am and 11.30am for play time, songs, story, creative activities and refreshments. £1 per family. Please note: See & Know only runs during term time.
Youthie (11-16s)
Our Youth Group meets fortnightly on a Friday evening in the church halls between 7.15pm and 8.45pm for young people aged 11 to 16. Opportunity to play sports, chat, try loads of interesting and unusual activities and make friends. £2 entry and there’s a tuck shop.

Risen (13-18s)
A group for young people aged 13-18, Risen meets in the church halls on a Sunday evening between 8pm and 9.15pm and is an opportunity for young people to hang out together learning more about God and thinking about what it means to be a young Christian. There are also regular social activities.
Uniformed groups
A range of groups use St Peter’s Church Halls as their base on weekday evenings for Rainbows, Beavers, Cubs, Brownies, Guides and Scouts.

Work outside the church
As well as all the groups based inside our buildings, St Peter’s goes in to local schools and also welcomes them into our premises for their own services and activities at special times of the year.
We provide mentors who work with youngsters needing a bit of extra support through TLG and work with the Zephaniah Trust supporting their work in schools and other groups in Bradford.
More information
For more information on these or any of our children’s and youth activities contact the Children & Youth Coordinator or 01274 400381