Blog from the Warden’s Pew – January 15 2021

A Weekly Message during Lockdown – this week from St Peter’s Churchwarden, Hazel Wilmshurst

Click here to read this week’s Church Noticesheet

Hello from Hazel 👋

John has kindly let me have the opportunity in my role as ‘newbie’ churchwarden to let you know how things are going. Where do I begin? Firstly, I thank God I’ve been put in a first-rate team and I’ve been made to feel very welcome. The staff team have done a brilliant job, especially recently when nothing is normal and they’ve had to cope with so many constant changes. I’m full of admiration. 👏 My eyes have been opened to the amount of stuff involved behind the scenes to organise services, look after the building and the family of God. So I’m on a steep but exciting learning curve & will gradually find where I can fit in.  I’ve had some safeguarding training and next week, will join ‘New to churchwarden’ training (both online). However, I consider an essential part of preparation is the way I’ve been shown kindliness, generosity, encouragement, Bible-teaching, prayer etc by many church members over the years and I’m so grateful for that. Also, I have a great biblical role model in Nehemiah!

A massive thank you 💐👍

We’re also so grateful for the amazing creativity shown in the various St P’s online services, groups, activities on offer. It’s exciting to see different gifts and talents being used to encourage each other in this difficult time.  There are also loads of important little acts of kindness and encouragement behind the scenes, shown by so many of you, to various, especially vulnerable members of our church family. THANK YOU SO MUCH. 👏 You might think nobody is aware of what you do but God knows and is so proud of what you’re doing. In these gloomy/negative times it is great to hear how God has blessed and provided for you. Do let us know of how you’ve been blessed so we can all feel encouraged and build each other up in the faith.

A quick reminder! 📖

Are you stepping up to John’s challenge to read Hebrews, a difficult but oh so relevant book? (Well done to Linda Furze for encouraging our home-group do so.)

These boots are made for walking 🥾 👟🧣🧤🌂

In closing one of the things that’s really helped Dave and I during lockdowns is walking daily from our house, either together, separately or with a friend.  If anyone would like to go for a short socially distanced local walk, with either one of us, do let us know which day you can walk (weather permitting.) Alternatively, if you’d be happy to walk with someone else, let us know when you’re available. It’s highly recommended – exercise, enjoying a good chat, getting to know your neighbourhood & lovely surprises like bumping into others and of course you feel great afterwards!

Bye for now. God bless & I’ll write again next month.

Hazel 👋

A prayer for this week:

God of heaven and earth, in these times of isolation, apart from loved ones, distant from friends, away from neighbours; thank you that there is nothing in all of creation, not even coronavirus,that is able to separate us from your love. And may your love that never fails continue to be shared through the kindness of strangers looking out for each other, for neighbours near and far, all recognising our shared vulnerability, each of us grateful for every breath, and willing everyone to know the gift of a full and healthy life. Keep us all in your care.  Amen.

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