
The arrangements set out below are our current pattern of worship.

Click here for details of services during February 2025

Every week except for the third weekend of the month:

9.30am All-age Worship

A shorter, more informal service for people of all ages, led by Mark and the team. This service lasts approx 45 minutes and is a flexible mixture of worship styles, including activities for children as part of the service. The 9.30 service includes an act of Holy Communion together once a month. Please note there is no 9.30am service on the third Sunday of the month.

11.15am Morning Worship or Holy Communion

This is our more traditional, liturgical service and alternates Morning Worship on the second and fourth Sundays of the month and Holy Communion on the first and third Sundays. This service lasts around an hour.

Music is led by our choir and organist at the 11am service on three Sundays of the month, and by our music group on the fourth Sunday of each month.

Refreshments are served at 10.30am every week in Church and are a great opportunity to meet together, whatever service you attend – all welcome to join us.

6.30pm Evening Services

These services consist of a Holy Communion celebration on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month, which uses a Celtic liturgy and takes place more informally, in the round. The 1st Sunday evening of the month is Evening Reset, an informal service which includes extended sung worship, teaching, prayer, reflection time and often space for sharing testimony of how God has been at work among us. Please note there is no 6.30pm service on the third Sunday of the month.

Third Weekends of the month

Our service pattern is very different on the third weekend of every month!

Messy Church3.30pm third Sunday

Messy Church happens on the third Sunday afternoon of each month at 3.30pm in church and in the halls. Anyone is welcome to attend but it is especially suitable for families. The sessions include games and social time, activities and crafts to help us explore a theme, a celebration time together with stories, songs and more and a meal together before home time!

There are no 9.30am or 6.30pm services on the third Sunday of the month.

Daily Prayer

We follow an online pattern of Daily Prayer, live on our Facebook Page twice a week at 9am on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We also publish a liturgy for every morning and evening of the week on our website each week.

Joint 10.30 services

From time to time we bring everyone together for special occasions such as major church festivals by holding a single joint all-age service in the morning at 10.30am. We also do this each week during the school summer holidays in late July and August. Our evening pattern continues unchanged on these weeks. We will also continue to support Shipley Christians Together’s United Services when these are scheduled for Sunday evenings.

Online worship

We occasionally broadcast worship online for special one-off services or events such as weddings or funerals. Technical restrictions currently prevent us from offering this regularly, however, we are hoping to be able to offer online worship again later this year following an equipment upgrade and further training – watch this page for details.