Weekly updates

  • Natasha’s Reflections

    It has felt quite a shock to experience the cold and the snow this week, but as I was walking my mad dog in the snow I was just delighted…

  • Services this Sunday – 24 November 2024

    9.30 am  All Age Worship  A service suitable for all ages including worship, teaching and activities for all  10.30 am  Refreshments  Served in Church   11.15 am  Morning Worship  A traditional,…

  • Natasha’s Reflections

    Isaiah 32: 1-17 has been very much in my mind lately, especially as I encounter people in our parish who are struggling with difficult issues in their life as well…

  • Services this Sunday – 17th November

    10.30 am  Refreshments  Served in Church  11.15 am  Holy Communion  A traditional, liturgical service, with organ and choir  3.30pm  Messy Church  Games, Activities, Crafts, stories and prayers, followed by a…

  • Services this month – November

    Find out what’s happening this month! 3 Nov  9.30 am All Age Worship  11.15 am Holy Communion  3.00 pm Remembering Service  10 Nov  No 9.30 or 11.15am services  10.30 am Remembrance Day Service  6.30 pm Holy…

  • Time to Remember – 11 November 2024

    They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow oldAge shall not weary them, nor the years condemnAt the going down of the sun and in the morningWe…

  • Natasha’s Reflections

    The Christ We Share…Away Day               I just want to say thank you to everyone who came to our away day with a special thanks to those who prepared the food,…

  • Natasha’s Reflections

    It has been wonderful to get the feedback from our 24/7 prayer time, to hear how different people found their hour with God. Many confessed that they had been nervous…

  • Natasha’s Reflections

    I am so looking forward to spending some time with you at our away day on Saturday 19th October at St John’s Baildon (9.30 – 4.15pm) The outline for which…

  • Natasha’s Reflections

    First of all a massive thank you to those who contributed to our Gift Day and Harvest Appeal and an extra thank you to all those who helped prepare, serve,…