Generosity and Giving

St Peter’s continues to exist purely by the generosity of the members of the congregation. We need everyone to contribute as they can and as God leads them

We have two main funds, the general fund to support the mission of the church and our youth fund to allow us to employ a youth worker and continue our outreach to the younger members of the community.

How can I contribute to the General Fund?

There are a number of different ways you can contribute:

  • Through the Parish Giving Scheme.
    This allows you to donate on a regular basis using the Direct Debit scheme.
    You can find details here.
    In the Find my parish section use the Parish Code 460646530 which will take you to the St Peter’s page and then you can select ‘Give Now’ under pledge my gift. This will ask you some basic questions such as name and address and bank details and will also ask if you want to protect the value of the gift by updating your giving by the inflation rate annually.
    Once that is set up your donation will be taken by direct debit on 1st of each month. Your giving can be managed online as well.
  • By Standing Order from your Bank Account
    Again this allows a regular donation but this time you must set up the standing order yourself in your bank account. This can be done through online banking, most banking apps, by telephone or by visiting the branch.
    You can decide the frequency of the payment, the amount and the day of the month to send it.
    To use this you need the church bank account details:
    Account Name St Peter’s Shipley
    Sort Code 08-92-99
    Account Number 67271283
    Bank Name Co-operative Bank
    It helps if you inform the treasurer (Mike Moss) of any new standing order you create.
  • By a transfer from your bank account.
    To make a payment use the bank details above but in the reference state the purpose of the donation.
  • Online
    There is a donate button at the top right of every page on this site. This will allow you to donate to one of our funds using a credit or debit card.
  • Using the Card Machine in Church.
    This allows you to make a donation using a credit or debit card.
  • Using Cash
    Cash can be placed in the offertory plates at the back of church

How can I contribute to the youth fund?

  • Through the Parish Giving scheme as for the general fund except the Parish Code for the youth fund is 46A46530.
  • By Standing Order from your Bank Account
    Again in the same way as the general fund but with the following account details:
    Account Name St Peter’s Shipley Youth
    Sort Code 08-92-99
    Account Number 67271542
    Bank Name Co-operative Bank
  • By a transfer from your bank account
    Use the bank details above
  • Online
    Using the Donate button on the website you can select to give to the Youth Fund
  • Using the Card Machine in Church
    You can select on there to give to the Youth fund
  • Using Cash
    Please place donations in the Offertory plates at church preferably in an envelope marked specifically for the Youth Fund.

Gift Aid

Gift Aid is provided by the government and if you pay income tax, allows the church to claim back the tax you would have paid on the money that you have donated. Currently this adds about 25% to your donation.

There is a simple form to complete that allows the church to claim back the Gift Aid. They can be obtained from the church office or from the back of church.

Please note if you do not pay as much tax as you allow to be claimed back in Gift Aid the government can claim the money back from you. If your circumstances change and you are no longer paying tax you need to inform the gift aid secretary as soon as possible.


We do encourage members to remember the church in your wills.

Other ways of giving

Looking at other donations, such as time, gifts and skills, we are always short of volunteers to assist in many ways so if you are interested speak to either the Vicar John Rainer or one of our wardens or the wider staff team.

If you have questions about giving please have a word in confidence with our Church Treasurer Mike Moss, or to find out more about Gift Aid and how that works, speak to our Gift Aid Secretary, Mark Davies.