Last week Welcome Space fed 105 people!
People of all ages, and backgrounds, who came to have a bit of soup and cake, but most importantly a place where they could socialise and meet others. This is an amazing blessing to all of us, so a special thank you to those who work and volunteer every week to ensure that this service continues.
Feeding so many people out of generosity and sacrifice is such a sign of God’s presence in our community and is something to be truly celebrated. I recognise that it is a real commitment for everyone, and what is important is to learn how God can keep on filling us out of His love and His gifts so that we can support one another and give what is needed to do.
So let us pray that we can continue to be filled like ‘Shining stars’ and that God fills us with the energy and capacity to do so. But this is also where as part of the church we offer help and support to one another, so that we provide the opportunities for people to both be fed physically and spiritually.
Rev Natasha