Autumn feels like it is here! There is definitely a bit of a chill in the air, as I walk the dog round Hirst Wood and the watch the leaves beginning to change colour. It is the start of the new term, and I am beginning to feel a bit of a rhythm now to my days as I get to know you both as congregations and individual people. I am reminded in Psalm 100:3
“Know that the LORD is God. It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.”
This verse reminds us that we belong to God. He is our creator, and we are his cherished creation. We are his people, and he takes care of us like a shepherd cares for his sheep. This verse highlights the intimate relationship we have with God and assures us that we have a place of belonging in his kingdom and that it is a place of belonging with each other.
I have sometimes wondered why Jesus compares people as sheep. To be described as a sheep feels a bit derogatory! I do not know anyone who would like to be called a sheep! It implies thoughtlessness, to being a bit clueless, or lacking in being able to make up your own mind or being able to be independent. But Jesus saw and knew people that the people needed Him. As it says in Matthew 9:36 he saw the crowds and “He had compassion on them because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd” Matt 9:36
In order for sheep to stay safe, they firstly need each other so live in a flock and they need a shepherd. We too need each other and we too need looking after and leading. Jesus sees this.
We need a shepherd – a good shepherd who can guide and protect us. Sheep do follow the flock – I have often watched with amusement at how, when one sheep gets startled, they all jump up and start running in certain a direction away from what was fearful! Staying together is good for protection, but also means they do not always run in the right direction!
We know that as humans we can be just as foolish, responding to things and following a group, that we see as our kind. Following a crowd without really questioning or thinking. Jesus came to enable us to thrive. To live well with God. I wonder how you feel about Jesus being our shepherd, how you listen to His call and His direction; How you feel about belonging to the flock of Christ.
Do you see yourself as being part of His flock? Finding in church the support and love from one another so that God’s kingdom of love and light shines from our lives together rather than that of division and fear. I pray that as we get to know each other we can learn more and more about our need to be dependent on each other, so that united we know who our Good Shepherd is.