Starts Thursday 26 September for six weeks
7pm for 7.30pm start in the Hope Chapel
The Bereavement Journey is a course for anyone who is dealing with loss of any kind – the death of a loved one, the loss of a job, the end of a longed-for future dream.

You may have been bereaved recently or some time ago – there are no rules about how we cope with grief and loss and how long the journey takes us.
Anyone who would find it helpful for any reason is welcome to join us for this series of evenings together exploring the journey we go on when we suffer a loss. Each session will use films and discussion to gently guide us through some of the most common aspects of grief and bereavement. Over the weeks, the sessions with help everyone to process the implications of loss for them and to discern what the next steps might be on their journey.
Topics covered will include attachment, separation and loss, the impact and pain of bereavement, anger and guilt, coping with others’ reactions, adjusting to change, delayed and supressed grief and moving forward healthily.
For more information please contact Rev. Natasha Thomas (