A message from Rev Natasha Thomas – St Peter’s Priest-in-Charge
Sunday 04 August 2024
Dear friends
I can’t quite believe that I have only been here one month! On the one hand it feels like I have been here no time at all, but on another I already feel so at home and that is because I have been made so welcome and have been so encouraged by your enthusiasm and heart for God and His power to do mighty things in this place. So thank you.
Each evening, we have been catching up on the Olympics to see the drama of dreams coming true or not. I wonder how many of you have been doing the same? I love watching them and marvel at the stories that come from each athlete who has worked so hard, demonstrating such endurance to achieve their place in their field…whether they gain a medal or not.
I can’t help but reflect on Philippians 3 :10 – 14, Paul tells us of his “striving to know God and with that to share in his sufferings” We can perhaps go with the first part, but it is harder for us to take on that second part…but this is what we witness in the athletes. Their commitment is all about suffering and sacrifice for their sport. I wonder what God, is asking you, me to give up, give away, let go of so that we are freer to run His race?
The athletes, demonstrate to us time and again about discipline, routine, hard workouts, sacrifice what is necessary to compete in their race and this is all because they love their sport. They are a challenge to me. I want to be able to say I work as hard as them to follow Jesus but know that this is not true every day. Paul challenges us to “forget what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead. I press on towards the goal, for the prize of the heavenly call of God in Christ Jesus”
As we get to know each other over the coming months and years I pray that we will all remember this starting point of this new journey we are on. Letting go of the past and straining forward to the future goal. That together we continue to grow and learn about God’s call on our lives, as we race His race. St Peters is in a new place. Let us thank God for all His blessings and grace. For all that He does for us and ask that He leads us forward and that we can follow in confidence so His light and glory shine as we race towards the heavenly prize. Amen.