PCC Digest – September 2023

A summary of business from the Parochial Church Council Meeting on Wednesday 06 September

After essential business approving Minutes and checking Action Logs, thanks were expressed to sub group responsible for organising the Rainers’ farewell.

Shipley Christians Together The Prayer walk on the 20th August had a good response. 15th October is the AGM for SCT at St Margaret’s in Frizinghall at 6.30pm. Congregation to be asked if they would like to be a Trustee for SCT.

Environment Group: Aiming for Silver Eco Award in January as still working towards improving some environmentally friendly aspects at St Peter’s. Jackie Loach has met with users of Fernhill Site.

Children and Youth Work: Revd Brian Greenfield to attend PCC in October to discuss St Paul’s plans to work with Missional Generation. Some PCC members to meet with St Paul’s sub group for this to see how it might work for us, explore other options, and to discuss needs of older children and young people with St Peter’s youth group leaders.

Finance The Treasurer reported that whilst hall hirer finances are good, and regular givers generous, cost of maintenance to the church and halls is well above budget. Share payment at end of August (29%) is lower than hoped, though Treasurer reflects God so often provides.  PCC agreed for church to promote Diocesan Generosity Week in Oct.

Buildings: Work needed following Fire Risk Assessment has been completed. Fire warden input to be shared with those who need it by those who completed training. Control panels to church boilers to be replaced.

Incumbent Vacancy Update: The two parish reps confirmed, though diocese have suggested we shouldn’t announce who they are at this time.  Positive response to Survey from congregation. This response will feed into ongoing Parish Profile.  Parish Profile to be shared ahead of next PCC where it will be approved.  Secretary to obtain dates for Section 12 meeting.

Local Lay Minister David Slaney undertook Local Lay Minister Training at a previous church. PCC voted to allow him to begin the process of discernment to become a Local Lay Minister at St Peters.