This Sunday – September 24 – is our Harvest Thanksgiving and we will be giving thanks to God for his provision for us in all our services this week.
If you would like to bring some gifts to church as a sign of your thanksgiving for God’s bounty to us, we will be supporting the Bradford North Foodbank’s Harvest Appeal.
Click here for the food bank’s flyer which has details of this appeal, which will be vital in helping feed people through the rest of the year. Particular needs are for tinned or packet soup, sugar (any size bags – to be split down at the warehouse), tinned fruit or vegetables, UHT milk, UHT fruit juice (not from the chiller cabinet) and razors/shaving foam.
Please do bring gifts this Sunday if you are able which we will receive during the service and place at the front of church for delivery to the foodbank. After Sunday, please pop them in the food bank basket by the main door.