Services this weekend – 14 and 15 January

This is the third weekend of the month, so a reminder that our services this weekend are a little different!

Saturday 14 January

5.30pm – Refresh

Join us from 5pm for refreshments, followed by this short, informal service to give you chance to come aside and be refreshed and renewed through worship, prayer and thinking about God’s word.

If you enjoy music in worship, you’re also very welcome to join us for Music Cafe from 4-5pm. Music Cafe is an opportunity for our musicians to come together, to look at some songs we know well and learn some we don’t – but anyone at all who enjoys using music to worship God is very welcome to come along and join us!

Second Sunday of Epiphany – 20 November

10.30-10.55am Refreshments served in Church

11am – Holy Communion

Join John for this service, looking at the theme of Ministering in Power as we continue to look at Mark’s gospel together, with readings from Isaiah 61:1-3 and Mark 1:21-34, as well as celebrating Holy Communion.

3.30pm – Messy Church

Jessica, Viv and the team would love to see you for games, stories, activities and lots of fun – and a meal together.

Please note there will be no 9.30am All Age service this week.