Join us next Suday morning at 10.30am when we will be celebrating our annual harvest festival with a joint service for the whole church family.
Come along and take the opportuity to thank God for all his wonderful gifts to all of us. And, as a way of shoing our thanks practically, we will be receiving gifts for the Shipley foodbank as part of the service.
The foodbank have particularly requested:
Premium tinned ham or chicken
Tinned tomatoes
Milk or dark chocolate bars
Milk powder
Soap or shampoo
Shaving foam
Mens’ and ladies’ deodorants
Financial gifts can also be given to the foodbank.
We will also be enjoying tea and coffee together after the service for the first time since the pandemic – so do come along, celebrate the harvest season and enjoy refreshments and a catch up with friends old and new.
Next Sunday, there will be no evening service at St Peter’s as, instead, there will be a joint service and the Annual General Meeting of Shipley Christians Together at 6.30pm at Shipley Baptist Church. Please do go along if you are able.