Picnic with us on Sunday!

Join us at 10.30 this Sunday morning, 29th August, for our final outdoor service of this summer.

We will be worshipping together in the car park from 10.30am – the weather is currently forecast to be dry and mild, so please do come along and join us if you are able. As the service will be outdoors, face masks are not required (although you are welcome to wear one if you wish) and as with indoor services, there is no longer any requirement to book to attend.

We held our first outdoor service last Christmas and they have been a wonderful way of us all being able to take part in worship together – particularly singing – with fewer restrictions than have been needed indoors during the pandemic. Since Pentecost Sunday back in May, we have held an outdoor service every month and we have only had to cancel once due to bad weather – which has been an answer to prayer in itself!

This Sunday will be an opportunity to come together again and raise our hearts, hands and voices in praise and worship. Lots of our neighbours have commented on enjoying hearing worship going on and several passers by have stopped to watch and listen, with some even joining in!

As the cooler months come back round again, we will hold outdoor worship less often but will still plan to keep it as part of our service pattern from time to time as it is something so many have enjoyed and it has been a great opportunity to let others see our worship in action!

This week, we would like to celebrate being able to spend more time together – and the Bank Holiday weekend! – with a picnic in the car park after the service too! Picnic Church has been an important event for us each week over the past months, as we have gathered together with our own chairs, blankets, snacks and drinks, to worship where we are – as Jesus did at the greatest picnic ever – the feeding of the 5,000!

The easing of restrictions means we will not be going back to this form of worship after the summer break – although there will be a new, exciting all age worship service to enjoy at 9.30am on Sundays instead – but you don’t need to bring your own chair any more!

So as we say goodbye to Picnic Church, we’d like to come together after the service on Sunday to picnic properly by sharing food and chat and the sort of fellowship together so many of us desperately missed during the pandemic months. So bring your own butties along to church on Sunday morning and stay on after the service for our own big picnic and come on and celebrate this Sunday.