Join us for Maundy Thursday worship online

We will be gathering together tonight with Christians from the other two Anglican churches in Shipley – St Paul’s and Christ Church WIndhill – for a joint reflective service taking place via Zoom at 7.30pm.

The service will include, prayers, readings and songs, as we step into Holy Week with Jesus. As we hear the gospel readings, you are invited to bring a few things with you: you might like to bring a bowl of water to use as a reminder of Jesus washing his disciples’ feet, and something to eat and drink, such as bread and wine, as we remember how Jesus shared bread and wine. It is hoped that this service will help us prepare for the events of Good Friday that follow. To join the service on Zoom, click on this link at 7.30pm on Thursday and, if requested, enter the meeting ID 816 3357 2450  and passcode: 059360.