We are inviting every one of you to be part of a project Rachel is organising called ‘Project Inspire’ for the whole church family to contribute to help encourage people during this challenging time.
Rachel is going to make a video to share on the St Peter’s Youtube and Facebook pages of a collection of inspiring photos, videos and stories from members of St Peter’s and those connected to other groups too to be uploaded on Easter Sunday. This is a good time to do it as we remember the ultimate hope and power of Jesus’ death and Resurrection so that we can have a restored relationship with Him and be a light for Him now on earth and Rachel wants to show examples of His light shining during this time.
This could be photos, videos or stories of ‘God-incidences’/miracles or simply of people loving God (such as pictures of you lighting a candle when praying, listening to worship music as you do the washing up, joining in with a recorded service, doing something Holy Week related etc…), and loving others (anything from helping someone in need to writing or receiving a kind letter or a random act of kindness or you’re a key worker and want to share something about that).
Since this is to be shared on Easter Sunday, please send them ASAP or BY THURSDAY 9TH APRIL at the latest to Rachel rachelmcgirrstpeters@gmail.com or 07305908745.
It can be anonymous if you want it to be and/or of pictures of things or hands and the backs of heads if you do not want your face to be seen.
Many thanks all!