As I thought about what I wanted to share with you this week especially as we come to Harvest and Gift Day this Sunday, I was reminded of the Matt Redman song “I will offer up my life”, these words sum up such a challenge as they remind us why we might want to do just that. They remind us that we owe God so much for reaching out to us and blessing us with lives that can have a relationship with Him. It also reminds us that we all have something to give and bring.
It is always interesting to hear why people hesitate to give to the body of Christ – to give their time or their money. Sometimes it is because they do not know what they can do; or it is because they feel that they might get in the way; Or they see others doing what they could do and not know how to get involved; it might be because they do not know how they could be helpful; perhaps there just doesn’t feel enough time in the day to do anything; perhaps you feel that you have already done your volunteering and giving and it is time to let others do it; Perhaps you feel too old or too young; perhaps its an anxiety about money and therefore don’t want to give regularly in case they are short for other things…or perhaps because they give already to other charities and a feeling that the church therefore doesn’t need their contribution; perhaps there is a sense that what they want to give wouldn’t be good enough…
So many reasons and sometimes really good ones as to why we don’t give something of ourselves to the body, to our Christian family. But I want to encourage every single member to pray. To ask God what it is they can bring to God which will enhance all that we are. God has brought each one of us together, and we, therefore, all have a part to play. So I end by praying the chorus of M Redman’s song:
“What can I bring
To so faithful a Friend, to so loving a King?
Savior, what can be said, what can be sung
As a praise of Your name for the things You have done?
Oh, my words could not tell, not even in part
Of the debt of love that is owed by this thankful heart What can I give, what can I bring to such a King?”
To listen to the song click this link : Matt Redman – I Will Offer Up My Life – Lyric Video (youtube.com)