Daily Prayer during the August Summer Holidays

Over the weeks of August, we take a rest from our usual pattern of morning prayer on our Facebook Live page.

However, the voice of prayer is never silent and so these resources might help you to maintain the pattern of starting or ending each day in prayer with God.

We usually base our Daily Prayer liturgies around the Church of England’s full Morning and Evening Prayer liturgical pattern. However, during the holidays, you might find it easier to try Time to Pray. This is a shortened pattern of daily prayer, praise and Bible readings that is intended to be simple, fresh and accessible. There is an order for each day of the week for Prayer during the Day and a pattern for Night Prayer – or Compline – for the end of the day.

Just click on the day of the week below to go to the order for daily prayer for that day, or follow the link at the bottom to go to Night Prayer.

Night Prayer (Compline)

We hope you find this helpful in keeping praying and praising regularly through the summer – and we look forward to seeing you again for Morning Prayer Live on Facebook, come September!

Orders taken from Common Worship: Daily Prayer (2005).
Time to Pray, material from which is included here, is copyright The Archbishops’ Council 2006