St Peter’s Carol Service 2021 – Sunday 19 December, 3.30 for 4pm
We’re going to do something a bit different with our annual carol service this year as we continue to adapt our worship around the ongoing Coronavirus situation.
The service will be suitable for all ages and will contain lots of familiar elements – rediscovering the Christmas story together and plenty of opportunity to hear and sing some carols and Christmas music.
However, this year we’ll be starting outdoors in our car park from 3.30pm with mulled wine (and mulled not-wine!) and mince pies available and some festive tunes from our music group. From 4pm, we’ll be setting off to journey to Bethlehem – moving indoors into the church! Along the way and when we get to Bethlehem, we’ll be meeting some of the characters from the very first Christmas and there will be lots of opportunity to sing some familiar well-known and much-loved carols and hear from our choir and music group too.
We expect the service will last around an hour from 4pm and there will be activity bags available to keep young children entertained, so there will be something for everyone.
We’d really love you to join us and invite family and friends along too as we start Christmas week reminding ourselves of what is really at the heart of Christmas.
An electronic invitation is available which you can share by email or on social media – contact for a copy if you would like one and some printed invites will be available in church from 12 December. You can also share our carol service event from our Facebook page here if you wish.