Friday 13 August 7.15pm for 7.30pm
Have some fun and help raise funds for the Church Hall Roofs Appeal!
Our Church Halls are one of our greatest blessings. We have some fantastic facilities that have been used by both the church and lots of groups in our local community and are a great local asset.
Unfortunately, after over 100 years of use, the roof on the oldest hall needs significant work – a major ice storm last winter was the last straw and the roof now needs to be replaced. We think it is really important that we do everything we can to preserve and take care of the facility God has given us and make sure it can continue to be used by the church and the community for many years to come.
As a church, we are also making it a priority to look for ways to reduce our carbon footprint and take better care of our enviornment and the work on the roofs gives us a great opportunity to also install solar panels and begin to generate much of our own energy and reduce our reliance on fossil fuels.
These projects together mean we have committed to raise somewhere in the region of £130,000 to cover all the work. The enormous generosity of church members in responding to a Gift Day earlier in the year, plus gifts from community hall users and some successful applications to grant-giving bodies mean we have raised a substantial amount of the money and the work can begin this summer.
However, there is still a way to go to our target so that we don’t have to use funds ear-marked for other church activities to pay for the roof work. We also know that, during the Pandemic, many church members have missed being able to spend time together in fellowship enjoying being a church family. As a result we are planning a programme of social events between now and Christmas which will help to raise some more funds for the roof work and give us some opportunities to spend time together – and have some fun!
The first of these activities will be a photograpic fun quiz led by Dr John Rhodes on Friday 13 August 2021 starting at 7.15pm for 7.30pm. The event will take place online, using the Zoom platform, which many of us have become very familiar with for in keeping in touch with family, friends and colleagues during the pandemic months!
The quiz will involve unfamiliar views of some familiar objects and will be an opportunity to have a bit of fun, see some friends from church or elsewhere on-screen – and maybe even win a prize! Entry is £5 per screen (not per person!) – so if you don’t have a screen that can access Zoom, find a friend who has and get together! There will be a financial prize for the winner so come and grab your tickets and join in the fun!
The easiest way to book is to use our online booking facility here. You only have to purchase one ticket per screen and it’s very simple to do – you just enter you name and email address and can use a debit or credit card or paypal account to pay the screen fee. Once you have booked your ticket, you will receive an email which will direct you to the event page which has details and a Zoom link to join the quiz. Easy!
If you can’t use Eventbrite, you can contact the church office ( with your email address and either bring the entry fee into the office in cash or a cheque (open weekday mornings 9am-12 noon) or pay by bank transfer to the church account (if you do this please put ‘Quiz’ as the reference for the payment so it ends up in the right place!) You will then get an email with the joining instructions in it.
Do join us if you can – the more of us there are, the more fun it will be!
And watch this space for new of other fundraising social events being planned during the autumn!