Join us for Ascension Day 2021

We are delighted to be hosting Christians from the Anglican churches across Shipley for an evening service to celebrate Ascension Day on Thursday 13 May at 7.30pm.

St Peter’s will be coming together with St Paul’s Shipley and Christ Church Windhill for this year’s Ascension Day service, which will include an act of Holy Communion – in line with current restrictions, this will be bread only.

As with all of our services at the moment, it is necessary to book to attend. You can do this in one of three ways:

Online: Click here to book via the Eventbrite website.

By email: Send an email to with the names of those who will be attending and we will book you in

By phone: You can telephone Judith in the office at St Peter’s on 01274 400381 any weekday morning between 9am and noon and she will book you in.

Current infection control restrictions at St Peter’s will apply for the service, which include:

  • A one-way system will operate. Please enter the church via the main church doors, where we will sign you in and hand sanitiser will be available. Exit will be from the front of the church, through the side door into the car park.
  • Wearing a face covering is mandatory whilst in the church building, apart form those who are exempt and those leading sections of the service.
  • Seating will be socially distanced, other than those in the same household or bubble.
  • There will be no congregational singing during the service.
  • Communion will be in one kind, including bread only and will be brought to congregation members.

Photo by Inderpreet Sekhon at