Join us for worship this weekend, the 6th Sunday of Easter, when we will be marking the start of Christian Aid Week 2021.
Both our morning services will be looking at the work Christian Aid is doing to raise awareness of the impact of Climate Change on some of the world’s poorest communities and to push for climate justice. Rachel and John will be looking at these issues at Picnic Church at 9.30am and Zahida will be leading and Joe preaching on the same themes at our Morning Worship service at 10.45am.
Click here to book for Picnic Church
Click here to book for Morning Worship
The pandemic means that many of the fundraising events and house to house collections which would previously have taken place during Christian Aid Week cannot happen for the second year running. These were a vital way of Christian Aid raising funds to support their work and there will be opportunities to give to the charity at all services on Sunday. Special envelopes will be available in church or you can give electronically via the Donate button on Christian Aid’s website here.
In the evening, John will be leading a service of Evening Prayer and Viv will be speaking in our current lectionary series from the Book of Revelation. You can book to attend the service live in church at 4pm or watch it later on our YouTube channel from 6.30pm.
Click here to book for 4pm live Evening Prayer.
You can also book for all services by phoning or emailing the church office (01274 400381 or any weekday morning up to 12 noon on Friday. Online booking is open until 8.30am on Sunday morning.