Spring into the week!

The new week is starting with some glorious spring weather – reminding us that yesterday was ‘Mid-Lent Sunday’ and we are well on the way now to Easter at the start of April.

Easter will be even more of a milestone than usual for St Peter’s as a church this year as we are planning to reopen the building for people to attend to worship over Easter Weekend – have a read of John’s weekly blog here to find out more and look out for more details in the weeks to come.

Yesterday was also Mothering Sunday – if you missed it you can find our Morning Worship service celebrating the day on Pete’s Player here to watch again, along with our Evening Prayer service, reflecting on one of the readings for the day from Romans and where we find our hope.

We would again encourage you to join us every day this week for morning or evening prayer which takes place Monday to Friday on Facebook, or you can join Andy’s informal prayers via Zoom on Saturday morning. You can find out more about what happens when and find some liturgy to use yourself if you wish, on our Daily Prayer page here. If you have a prayer request, don’t forget to use the form on this page to let us know about it as well.

Lent continues and you can find out more about ways to mark this on our Lent page here.

The Parochial Church Council meets on Thursday evening at 7.30pm and will be thinking and praying more about the best ways to fix our hall roofs and get the buildings ready again for the whole community to be able to make the most of them as normal life begins to open up more. Please do pray for them as they meet – and you can find out more about the roof situation in John’s blog from last week here.

If you need to refresh your memory on any of this, you can find this week’s church noticesheet here – and remember that our Church Online Hub brings all of this together in one place for you.

Finally, in our services next Sunday (March 21) we will be thinking more about our current Rhythm of Life series, concentrating this week on ‘Creating’ as a rhythm we can all benefit from developing. We would love to be able to include some great practical examples of things we have made to enourage one another. If you have an example of something you have made – it could be a craft of some sort, a picture or photograph, some baking or a meal, a flower arrangement, a bit of garden, something you built, a child (!) – anything you have made – would you be prepared to share a photo of yourself with it and a short sentence about what you enjoy about it? We have had a few so far which are great, but it would be really helpful to have more – send your contributions to vbrealey@gmail.com or WhatsApp to 07519 552231 by this Friday – March 19.

Whatever you’re up to over the next few days – have a good week!