Welcome to the Week!

Morning all – it’s another week and, as always, there are lots of updates on the Church Online Hub for you to start your week.

If you missed the weekly message blog to the congregation (this week with Rachel!) or the weekly noticesheet, you can catch up on both of those here.

We had three online services yesterday – you can find out about them and download the supporting resources here or, if you missed any, you can watch here:

Family Worship

Morning PRAYer Service

Evening Prayer

Or visit our Pete’s Player page for any other services you might have missed or want to watch again or to listen to or download the sermons as podcasts!

Daily Prayer will be happening each day this week and again we would encourage you to join in either on your own at home, or with us live on Facebook – Morning Prayer, 9am Monday, Wednesday and Friday and Evening Prayer, 5.30pm Tuesday and Thursday. You can find out more and download resources to help you here.

There’s lots more content on the hub – look out this week for special content appearing as we prepare to mark the season of Lent.

Have a good week.