The current pandemic lockdown ends on December 2 and we are delighted that the Government has confirmed places of worship can then reopen for public worship services.
We will be holding one live service in church next Sunday – December 6 – which will be a PRAYer Service at 10.45am. Rachel will still be doing Family Worship online on our Facebook Page at 9.30am.
Evening Worship at 6.30pm will also be online and will be a joint service put together by Shipley Christians Together to mark the Advent Season. You will be able to watch this on the SCT YouTube channel here.

All the restrictions that were in place before lockdown will remain and please bear in mind that Bradford will be in the strictest Tier 3 restrictions and be aware of these requirements as well. The main things to remember are:
- Booking – we need to restrict numbers to a maximum of 40 to ensure social distancing can be maintained so please book in advance to attend. You can either book online using the eventbrite link here or you can phone or email the church office, any morning between 9am and 12 noon to book a place. Booking closes at noon on Friday via the office and 8am on Sunday online.
- Hands – please wash or sanitise your hands using the facilities provided as soon as you enter the building and again before you leave. Please follow the one-way system to help with this – entrance will ONLY be via the main door from the car park (or the side door for those with access problems) and exit is ONLY via the fire door to the left as you face the Hope Chapel.
- Face – please remember that wearing a face mask in the building is mandatory, apart from those leading worship or those in the official exemption categories. Unfortuantely, we are still unable to have everyone join in with singing because of the increased infection risk.
- Space – please keep two metres away from others at all times. It may be necessary to ask you to wait to enter the building at busy times – please consider staggering the times you arrive at church to keep queuing outdoors to a minimum. As Bradford is in Tier 3, you can only attend church with other people from your household and should not socialise with others whilst indoors.
We will be running 3 services in church again from Sunday December 13, so keep checking back on the website for more details – and information about what to look forward to over the Christmas season!
Look forward to seeing you again soon.